Components for Salesforce by Astrea It Services Pvt Ltd

Astrea’s Take Case Ownership

Take Case Ownership is a Salesforce Lightning component which is designed to allow users to select cases in lightning and take their ownership. It mimics the functionality of Salesforce Classic.

Astrea’s Opportunity Merge

Opportunity Merge is a Salesforce Lightning component developed to enable allow users to merge duplicate Opportunities. The functionality to merge Salesforce Opportunities from Lightning is a feature often requested by our clients.

Astrea Case Close Button

In Salesforce Classic mode, the close case button takes user to a special “close case page”. The status on this close case page only displays the close statuses. It also has separate fields that are required and only visible on the close case page.

Astrea Barcode Component

Astrea Barcode Component is a Salesforce lightning Component. This Component is used to generate barcode and convert any text into barcode format. User can use this Component for any field in any Sobject.

Astrea Lightning weather component

Astrea Lightning weather component shows the current weather on Leads, Accounts and Contact page. It also displays the forecasted weather for next 4 days. User can also place the component on the HomePage of the org.

Astrea Case Merge

Astrea Case Merge is a Salesforce native lightning component. The component is used to merge duplicate Cases in a Salesforce instance according to dynamically selected multi-criteria.

Campaign Member Cloning in Lightning

The main objective of Campaign Member Clone component is to clone existing campaign members. It also supports creation of new contact or lead and add it to a campaign.

View All Activity

View All Activities is a Salesforce native lightning component. The component is used to display all the activities (Events and Tasks) related to a given record of a particular object.


Hydra helps in creating multiple clones of any record of any object along with its related list (optional). User can also make changes to the values while cloning which will get reflected in the newly created records.

Astrea Opportunity Split in Lightning

Astrea Opportunity Split is a lightning component used to Split the Opportunity-Amount among Opportunity team members. It is used to split the opportunity amount among its Team Members based on the same criteria we had in Salesforce classic (i.e Revenue and classic).

Smart News

This component displays News Headline from various news sources like Fortune, CNN, BBC, Business Insider, Google News, BBC Sport, Bloomberg, New York Magazine, Reddit, The New York times, The Verge etc.

Campaign Member Helper

The Campaign Member Helper allows users to search for leads/contacts and add them to a campaign as campaign members. The component also supports deletion of campaign members.

Task Creator in Lightning

With Astrea Task Creator for Salesforce CRM, available on AppExchange, it becomes easy to create task that can be assigned to multiple users, for Custom and Standard objects. You can download the component from Salesforce Appexchange.

My Activities

My Activities is a component which shows all the events (scheduled within 24 hours or currently running) and tasks due for current date, in a popup.

Smart vCard In Lightning

With Smart vCard for Salesforce CRM, available from the AppExchange, it becomes insanely easy to export and import your Salesforce CRM Contact information as vCards.

Astrea Unit Converter

Astrea Unit Converter is a Salesforce Lightning Component. This component can be used to convert the units within the Salesforce instance. The component is easy to use and have point and click graphical user interface.

Smart Currency Converter

Smart Currency Converter is a Salesforce Lightning Component. This component provides the ability to convert currencies unit to other currency unit. The component is easy to use and have point and click graphical representation.

Astrea Contact Lead Merge

Astrea Contact lead merge is a lightning component which provides the functionality to the users to merge related contacts of an account or any duplicate leads in a particular Salesforce instance. The app is easy to use with point and click graphical user interface.

Files, Attachments & Notes

The functionality of creating notes and viewing Files, notes and attachments is not available in Lightning environment unlike in Salesforce Classic under Accounts Object. Files, Attachments and Notes component allows users to view files, notes and attachments that belong to child record under the parent record. It also provides the feature of creating notes in Lightning interface.

Documents In Salesforce Lightning

Unlike Salesforce Classic, Lightning does not have the functionality to view existing documents in the org. Astrea Lightning Documents is a component which enables the user to view, download or delete the documents from a single tab.

Ideas for Lightning Communities

Salesforce Lightning lacks the feature of Ideas unlike Salesforce Classic. Ideas for Lightning Communities is a component which helps in easily accessing the communities of users who can post, vote and comment on particular ideas. It provides the functionality of posting ideas about a specific topic without navigating back to Salesforce Classic.