Media platform for the Zambian Youth

The Client

The client is a Zambian media company that provide communication and media consulting. They want to educate their youth by providing them with updated news, jobs, etc.


The client wanted to create a platform focusing on the upliftment of the youth of Zambia by educating them on the latest Technology, Business, Environment, Education and other topics. This objective was defined by providing the youth with News, Current Affairs and updates on the Various topics available from around the world and internally.

A simple easy to use mobile and web app was required that should be compatible with all the platforms to make the portal easily accessible from cell phones or any other device.

With this application the youth will be exposed to local and international market hence improving their future scopes and performances(especially for the businesses owned by the youth). Along with the information provided by the platform related to environmental, educational and health issues, it should also generate positive discussion forums hence encouraging social and behavioural change among the youth.


After analyzing the client's requirement Astrea started building the app on Meteor Platform that would work as a mobile and web application. Astrea made an app for the client with an easy to use functionality and navigation, the app is synced with external server and Database to fetch the latest and current updates.

The app contains various tabs including News, Chat, I am brand, SME, Career, Entertainment, Hangout, Family Ties, Career Path, Tech Savvy, Competitions and Promotions, Sport Fanatic, Care & Team(as in the screenshot below).

  • The landing or home page that was created contains the latest trending news related to environment, Music, Fashion, Technology, Food, etc.
  • Media platform for the Zambian Youth image1
  • Each tab provides different functionality like News gives the latest news, Chat provides the ability to chat with the others and also social media features for liking & connecting others. The example below shows the News tab, how it list the latest news when user click to find more details related to them.
  • Media platform for the Zambian Youth image2
  • Other features implemented include the Jobs, a user can apply for jobs via this portal. To enable this there is a job posting functionality supported for the admin user to post a job and publish it to other users.
  • The user can now share their updates by using hangouts feature.


We successfully built the Application using Telerik, having following benefits:

  • A platform for the client was developed that helped users to view latest news related to trending topics like technology, environment, music, fashion, food, etc.
  • A portal with the separate admin access created where the local news can be posted in clicks.
  • Follow-up Task creation and scheduling is easy together with the creation of service actions for new issues discovered while on-site and knowledge base searches if help is required.
  • Youth can take benefits with the information available and support provided by the platform for their businesses or for searching for jobs. As jobs can be found easily based on their relevant profiles by using simple keywords.
  • The member / admin can add the profiles of famous people in the portal using “I am Brand tab”.
  • The collaboration and social media like interface is provided where a user can like something or chat with other people in groups which enhances their learning and helps in development.