Asset Management

After an opportunity has been won it is important for product organizations to track which assets have been delivered to clients. Also it is important to track the validity of the warranty. In this implementation we automated business flows related to Asset management to enhance standard Salesforce features.

Features Supported

  • Automated creation of Assets when Opportunity has been set to “Closed won”.
  • Automatic email to Customers once their License is going to expire.
  • Automatic connection of Case to the Customer record once Case is created from Email.

Solution Overview:

  • Customers have an option to choose the subscriptions as per their requirement.
  • Assets will be created automatically once the opportunity is Closed won.
  • Case creation in Salesforce once an Email will be received from a Customer related to any issue or query.
  • Case resolution feature for warranty or non-warranty products.

The image asset.png given below shows the detail page of Asset record. The asset created will show the Product chosen by the customer, the license expiration date, warranty period, Installation date(if any), etc. It will be easy for the Sales Person to see all the details in one glance.


The image product.png given below will show all the details related to the product like product code, product name, serial number etc.


Objects Used

  • We are using Standard Objects: Lead, Account and Contact to store Company and Customer details.
  • Product to store the products.
  • Opportunity to store the progress of the deal.
  • Quote Object to discuss and finalize the Quotation with the Customer. Sales rep can send the PDF of the Quotation and also share the PDF to the Customer through Email in a single click.
  • Asset Object represents an item of commercial value, a product sold by your company or a competitor, that a customer has purchased and installed.
  • Case Object to store the queries/Issues from the Customers related to the Product they have purchased.


  • Improved Asset Utilization.
  • Support System to handle queries/issues/feedback.