Best Practices for Apex Test Classes


Salesforce Apex Test classes play a critical role in ensuring the reliability and functionality of your code. They not only validate that your code behaves as expected but also contribute to the overall success of your Salesforce implementation. In this blog, we'll explore essential best practices related to Apex test classes, accompanied by examples to illustrate each principle.

Best Practices For Apex Test Classes

1. Maintain Code Coverage:

Salesforce enforces a minimum Code Coverage requirement (75% for Apex classes and 1% for triggers). Ensure that your test classes cover the majority of your codebase to catch potential issues early.



                           public class MyApexClassTest {

                               static void testMethod() {
                                   // Test logic goes here
                                   // Ensure to cover various scenarios


Code Fragment 1: Syntax of an Apex test class

2. Isolation of Test Data:

Create the necessary test data within the test class, ensuring that the tests are isolated from the data in your Salesforce org. Avoid relying on existing records that may change over time.



                              public class MyApexClassTest {

                                  static void testMethod() {
                                      // Create test data
                                      Account testAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
                                      insert testAccount;

                                      // Test logic goes here using testAccount

Code Fragment 2: Syntax of an Apex method in test class

3. Test Bulk Operations:

Salesforce processes records in bulk, and your test classes should reflect this reality. Test scenarios with multiple records to ensure your code handles bulk operations effectively.



                              public class MyApexClassTest {

                                  static void testBulkOperation() {
                                      List testAccounts = new List();
                                      for (Integer i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
                                          testAccounts.add(new Account(Name = 'Test Account ' + i));
                                      insert testAccounts;

                                      // Test logic for bulk operation goes here


Code Fragment 3: Apex test class for testing bulk records

4. Avoid Using SeeAllData=True:

Avoid relying on existing data by using the `@isTest(SeeAllData=false)` annotation. This ensures that your tests are independent of org data and can run in any environment.



                              public class MyApexClassTest {

                                    static void testMethod() {
                                    // Test logic goes here, relying on test data created within the class


Code Fragment 4: Avoid using @isTest(SeeAllData=false) annotation in Apex test class.

5. Test Exception Scenarios:

Ensure your test classes cover scenarios where exceptions might occur. This helps validate that your code handles errors gracefully.



                              public class MyApexClassTest {

                                  static void testExceptionScenario() {
                                      try {
                                          // Code that may throw an exception
                                      } catch (Exception e) {
                                          // Assert statements to validate the expected exception


Code Fragment 5: Syntax to handle exceptions in Apex test class.

6. Use System.assert Statements:

Leverage `System.assert` statements to validate that your code behaves as expected. These assertions act as checkpoints during test execution. This ensures that the functionality is working as designed.



                              public class MyApexClassTest {

                                  static void testMethod() {
                                      Account testAccount = new Account(Name = 'Test Account');
                                      insert testAccount;

                                      // Test logic goes here

                                      System.assertEquals('Expected Value', testAccount.Field__c, 'Error 
                                      message if assertion fails');


Code Fragment 6: Syntax to use System.assertEquals to validate your code in Apex test class.


Apex class to insert account records.


                        public class AccountInsertion {
                         public static void insertAccount(String accountName, String accountType) {
                             Account acc = new Account(
                                 Name = accountName,
                                 Type = accountType
                             insert acc;


Test Class for above Apex class.


                              public class AccountInsertionTest {
                                  static void testInsertAccount() {
                                      // Define test data
                                      String testAccountName = 'Test Account';
                                      String testAccountType = 'Prospect';
                                      // Call the method to insert the account
                                      AccountInsertion.insertAccount(testAccountName, testAccountType);
                                      // Retrieve the inserted account
                                      Account insertedAccount = [SELECT Id, Name, Type FROM Account WHERE Name = :testAccountName LIMIT 1];
                                      // Verify that the account was inserted with the correct values
                                      System.assertNotEquals(null, insertedAccount, 'Account should not be null');
                                      System.assertEquals(testAccountName, insertedAccount.Name, 'Account Name should match');
                                      System.assertEquals(testAccountType, insertedAccount.Type, 'Account Type should match');


 Code coverage of Apex class

Figure 1: Code coverage of Apex class by test class.


Effective Apex test classes are foundational to the success of your Salesforce development efforts. By following these best practices and incorporating them into your development workflow, you'll not only meet Salesforce's testing requirements but also create a robust and reliable codebase that stands the test of time. Remember, well-tested code is the key to a successful and maintainable Salesforce implementation.

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