Salesforce’s continuous updates aim to empower users with tools that enhance productivity and efficiency. A notable feature introduced in recent releases is multi-column sorting for related lists. This feature allows users to sort related list data based on multiple columns at once. Until now we were able to sort a related list by only a single column. This feature can help users to organize related list data more efficiently, making it easier to find and work with specific records. While organizing the data there may exist multiple significant criteria. In that case it scarcely seems a good choice to sort data based merely on a single attribute.
Where: This change applies to Lightning Experience in all editions except Starter and Pro Suite.
When: After Spring’25 release.
Understanding Related Lists in Salesforce
Related lists in Salesforce provide a quick and easy way to view associated records for a particular object.Related lists are sections on a record page that display information about records related to the primary record. For instance, on an Account record, the related lists may show Contacts associated with that Account, Opportunities tied to it, or Cases linked to the Account. They serve as a consolidated view of relevant data, enabling users to quickly access and manage information without navigating away from the primary record.
Why Do Related Lists Require Sorting?
Sorting related lists is essential for prioritizing and organizing data. Without sorting, users might struggle to identify the most critical or relevant records in a long list. For example:
- In a Contacts related list, sorting by Last Activity Date can help sales representatives focus on stakeholders who require immediate attention.
- In an Opportunities related list, sorting by Stage or Close Date provides better visibility into deals that are nearing closure.
- In a Cases related list, sorting by Status or Priority ensures that high-priority customer issues are addressed promptly.
- By enabling sorting, users can streamline workflows, reduce time spent searching for information, and make more informed decisions.
How to apply?
To apply multi-column sorting to a related list first click on view all below the related list.
Next Click ↑↓ - the button for ‘sort by multiple columns’.
After clicking this button we get the pop-up screen to set the columns for sorting. This screen is where we have to make adjustments as per our requirements. It gives wings to the customized prioritization. Let’s have a look at it.
This screen allows us to choose the column. We can add a sort column by ‘ + Add a sort column’. We can add a maximum of 5 columns.
We can also choose the order either by arrows or alternatively by radio buttons named ‘Ascending’ and ‘Descending’.
Use the ‘Clear’ button to clear the choices and ‘Apply’ to apply the sorting columns. After clicking apply we get a related list sorted by multiple columns.
If we want to return to the default sort order , it’s not a herculean task. We can do so by just clicking on the settings button and choosing Reset Column Sorting.
Sorting by multiple columns affects only our user preferences. We can’t save our multi-column sorting configuration as a default.
Our list configuration is saved until we modify or clear it.
Multi-column sorting for related lists is a game-changing feature that enhances the way users interact with Salesforce data. By enabling users to sort records based on multiple criteria, this feature provides a more streamlined and efficient way to access critical information. Whether prioritizing high-value opportunities, addressing urgent cases, or managing stakeholder engagement, multi-column sorting empowers users to organize their data according to their specific needs. Though the configurations are user-specific and temporary, the feature ensures a more personalized and efficient workflow. With such enhancements, Salesforce continues to set the benchmark for user-centric innovation in CRM platforms.
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