Navigating the Patient Object in Salesforce Health Cloud


In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, managing patient information efficiently is paramount to providing high-quality care. Salesforce Health Cloud, a tailored solution for healthcare providers, offers a comprehensive platform for managing patient data. A Patient is an Individual (i.e., Account+Contact) that also has a Care Plan (i.e., Case) which is populated in the Care Plan lookup field on the Account record. Furthermore, the Patient needs to exist on the Care Team (i.e., Case Team) in a 'Patient' role. This relationship can be made to the Contact record of the Patient (or the community User record if the patient is enabled for communities). A Patient will likely also have an EHR Patient record which points to the Account record of the Patient. A Candidate Patient is simply a row of data on the Candidate Patient object. Candidate Patients can be converted into Patients using the conversion wizard. The wizard will take care of creating the records and relationships described above. It is the easiest way to ensure that everything is set up correctly to view the Patient in the console.

Salesforce Health Cloud

The Patient Object: A Foundation for Comprehensive Care

1. Centralized Patient Information: The Patient Object is the cornerstone of Salesforce Health Cloud's data model. It serves as a unified repository for all patient-related data, including demographics, medical history, contact information, and insurance details. This centralized database simplifies the management of patient records, providing healthcare professionals with a complete view of each patient's health journey.

Centralized Patient Information

Figure 1: Centralized Patient Information on patients console on health cloud.

2. Care Plan Association: One of the most significant advantages of the Patient Object is its ability to associate patients with their personalized Care Plans. Healthcare providers can create and manage individual care plans, outlining tasks, goals, and interventions specific to each patient's needs. This feature enhances care coordination and ensures that patients receive timely and appropriate care.

Associate care plan

Figure 2: Associate care plan with patients using care plan tab.

3. HouseHold Data Model: The Household Health Cloud data model focuses on capturing information related to a patient's household, including family relationships, social determinants of health, and living conditions. It enables healthcare providers to gain a holistic understanding of the patient's environment, facilitating personalized care and targeted interventions. A household is simply a Person Account (It assumes you are not using an individual model) of record type Household.The contacts and Accounts are then linked to it using Account Contact Relationships or Account Account relationships or Contact and Contact relationships! There is a role field on the Person Account where you select the role of the account contact relationship you are adding!

Associate care plan

Figure 3: Household data model of patients object give information about relation of patients which other members associated with him.

4. Patient Timeline: The Health Cloud patient timeline is a visual snapshot of the healthcare events in the life of a patient in chronological order. It helps care coordinators understand a patient’s health profile at a glance. It can appear in the Health Cloud console, in the Timeline for Health Cloud Empower component in the Experience Cloud site, or both. The timeline can include many events, such as tasks, procedures, prescriptions, campaigns, encounters, and so on.

TimeLine on patients records

Figure 4: TimeLine on patients records which give information about upcoming events.


The Patient Object in Salesforce Health Cloud is the linchpin that enables healthcare organizations to deliver patient-centered care effectively. By centralizing patient information, customizing data fields, and facilitating care plan association the Patient Object empowers healthcare providers to provide a higher quality of care, enhance patient engagement, and achieve better health outcomes.

As healthcare continues to evolve and embrace digital transformation, having a comprehensive and flexible tool like the Patient Object becomes increasingly essential. Salesforce Health Cloud's Patient Object exemplifies the power of data-driven healthcare, offering a foundation upon which healthcare organizations can build and continuously improve their patient care strategies while adhering to strict security and compliance standards.

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