Navigating the Complexity of Salesforce Org Merges: A Comprehensive Guide


In today's dynamic business environment, organizations often undergo mergers, acquisitions, or restructurings to stay competitive and achieve sustainable growth. However, when companies using Salesforce CRM systems merge, it can present a unique set of challenges. Integrating multiple Salesforce orgs into one consolidated instance requires meticulous planning, execution, and expertise. In this blog, we will explore the business needs for org merges and outline best practices to ensure a smooth and successful merging process.

Business Needs for Salesforce Org Merges:

1. Streamlined Operations: As companies merge, their operations need to be unified for better collaboration and efficiency. By consolidating Salesforce orgs, teams can access a single source of truth, leading to improved decision-making and smoother workflows.

2. Enhanced Customer Experience: Salesforce is often the backbone of customer relationship management. A consolidated org ensures a holistic view of customer data, allowing organizations to provide personalized and seamless customer experiences.

3. Cost Optimization: Merging orgs can help reduce duplicate licenses, eliminate redundant functionalities, and streamline resources, leading to cost savings and better resource allocation.

4. Unified Reporting and Analytics: A merged org enables comprehensive reporting and analytics, providing valuable insights across all merged entities, departments, and geographies.

5. Data Governance and Compliance: Merging orgs facilitates better data governance and compliance adherence as data is organized in a centralized manner, reducing the risk of data inconsistencies and breaches.

Essential Tasks for Salesforce Org Merges:

1. Thorough Planning and Analysis:

- Define the Objectives: Clearly outline the goals and outcomes of the org merge process.

- Identify Stakeholders: Involve representatives from all departments to ensure their requirements are considered during the merge.

- Data Mapping: Map out data structures, fields, and objects between the orgs to understand how data will be consolidated.

- Data Cleanup: Perform data deduplication, data cleansing, and data normalization to ensure data integrity.

2. Backup and Data Migration:

Back Up Data: Before initiating the merge, take comprehensive backups of all the orgs involved to safeguard against data loss during the process.

- Data Migration Strategy: Develop a detailed data migration plan, including which data to migrate, how to handle conflicts, and the order of migration.

3. Customizations and Integrations:

- App Assessment: Evaluate installed applications and customizations in each org to ensure compatibility and identify any potential conflicts.

- Integration Considerations: Analyze existing integrations and establish a plan to integrate data and processes seamlessly.

4. Security and Permissions:

- Access Control: Define roles, profiles, and permission sets to ensure the right users have the appropriate access to data and functionalities.

- Data Sharing Settings: Review and adjust data sharing settings to accommodate the new organizational structure.

5. Testing and Validation:

- Sandbox Testing: Create sandboxes to test the entire merging process, including data migration, customizations, and integrations.

- User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Involve end-users in UAT to identify and resolve any issues before going live.

6. Change Management and Training:

- Communication: Communicate the merge process and its impact to all employees to manage expectations and address concerns.

- Training: Provide comprehensive training to users on any new processes, features, or changes.

7. Post-Merge Monitoring and Support:

- Monitor Performance: Continuously monitor system performance and user feedback post-merge to ensure everything functions smoothly.

- Post-Merge Support: Offer dedicated support during the initial phase after the merge to assist users with any challenges they may face.


Salesforce org merges demand a structured approach and careful execution to achieve the desired business outcomes. By addressing the business needs and following a well-defined set of tasks, organizations can ensure a successful merge that leads to streamlined operations, improved customer experiences, and enhanced productivity. Proper planning, data management, and post-merge support are vital for achieving long-term success after the merge.

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