Salesforce Lightning Migration- A journey for a Lightning Experience

Within the Salesforce ecosystem, Lightning plays a very crucial role in increasing a Salesforce org look and feel with a contemporary UI. Salesforce Lightning provides users with a new look, new features and advanced design system for the Salesforce org. If used effectively Salesforce lightning interface can lead to increased productivity.

If you are an existing Salesforce user but have not checked the Lightning then this is the alarm for the same and if you want to migrate to lightning and make sure a smooth transition then you need an action plan. With the vast experience of multiple transitions it is assured that If you are not sure where to go or what to do then the details below will help you.

  • Discovery Phase
  • Rollout Phase
  • Optimise Phase

Lightning Transition Assistant- Your Transition Guide

For all Lightning migrations some important tools that are useful at each of the phases mentioned above are called Lightning Transition Assistant tools. As per the name, there will be a step by step guidance provided and to speed up the process with tools like the

  • Readiness Check used to get the analysis of an org’s readiness for Lightning Experience.
  • Change Management Hub is used to manage the human aspect of the transition with the templates and steps recommendation at each stage of the transition.
  • As the ‘assistant’ it also helps in keeping track of the work completed and about the next steps.
  • Every stage is shown as a checklist that gets marked off based on the actions taken and displays when everything is finished for every stage as shown in (1) & (2).
    Lightning Experience Transition Assistant

    So the Transition Assistant helps in many ways to drive a smooth transition where nothing important is overlooked. With Salesforce decision of turning on Lightning Experience for all orgs in the Winter ’20 release. This should be taken into consideration for the next migration and should be properly planned to take control of a smooth transition.

    Salesforce Lightning Migration- Discovery Phase

    The Beginning or start for the migration is part of the Phase 1 of Discovery period. This phase involves the understanding of the functionalities with Salesforce Lightning and how the power of the platform. This is also the point where readiness should be checked and calculation of the effort to get everything ready for Lightning Experience should be done.

    Once the goals for the transition and the technical issues are identified the roll out is planned for the Lightning Experience that includes priorities to work on, users transition (to be done in one go or in groups over time). A discussion with the key stakeholders and agreement on the Lightning transition should be done on the roll out plan.

    Salesforce Lightning Migration- Rolling Phase

    Rolling phase is the time when preparation for the org and users for Lightning Experience is started. The Transition Assistant helps in implementing key Lightning Experience features for an optimal, productive user experience. Here the readiness check done in the discovery comes into the picture as functionalities of an org work as-is in Lightning Experience but adjustment to some of the things is required as per the Readiness Check. The Transition Assistant provides tools that automate and speed up this work, with the Configuration Converter and the Magic Mover for Notes and Attachments.

    The Lightning Experience Configuration Converter helps in preparing a variety of features in an org like buttons and actions, hard-coded links, AppExchange packages, JavaScript buttons, and Visualforce pages.

    For a better user experience the Magic Mover for Notes and Attachments app can be used to migrate legacy content to Salesforce Files and enhanced Notes.

    Salesforce Lightning Migration- Optimize Phase

    The Salesforce lightning transitioning doesn’t end by turning on Lightning Experience but the adoption is sometimes a challenge as users aren’t always ready for a change in their daily processes. Therefore a closer watch on the adoption rates for an org is essentials for the admins and this is called The Optimize phase and there are tools to help in this phase as well. These tools helps to boost Lightning Experience usage by making sure users are engaged and getting the support required in the new interface.

    The ongoing things and adoption can be measured with the Lightning Usage App and using the Change Management Hub feedback on implementation can be taken from the users. There are ways to improve adoption and check metrics for decision making and Salesforce Optimizer also helps in finding ways to improve an org for users.

    For all the work Astrea has done and the experience gained in these Salesforce Lightning transitions one thing is sure that it can be done easily with everyone being involved and if a right guide is found at the right time.


    Meet the Lightning Experience Transition Assistant

    Journey to Lightning Experience Video Series

    For any query on Salesforce Lightning Migration, contact